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Having a sexually naked girls having sextransmitted infection while pregnant can cause serious health problems for you and your baby. Avoid vaginal, oral and anal sex if your partner has a sexually transmitted infection. Use a condom if: You or your partner has sex with other people. You have sex with a new partner while pregnant.

For more fulfilling sex, have sex when you and your partner feel relaxed. Try various ways to be physically close, such as massaging each other or soaking in a warm tub. Tell each other what you enjoy sexually. Talking openly might be the best way to enjoy sex more. And studies have shown that a healthy, pleasurable sex life is good for the heart.

In delayed ejaculation, the delay causes upset. Also delayed ejaculation might mean stopping sex due to tiredness, physical irritation, loss of erection or because the partner wants to stop. Often, theres trouble reaching orgasm during sexual intercourse or other sexual activities with a partner. Some people can ejaculate only when masturbating.

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